Canyon Sunflower

Canyon sunflower on a north facing section of the Chumash Trail at an elevation of about 2350 ft.

Canyon sunflower (Venegasia carpesioides) tends to grow along cooler sections of chaparral trail. Its rich green leaves and yellow composite flowers are a refreshing sight on a thirsty run.

This canyon sunflower is on a north facing section of the Chumash Trail at an elevation of about 2350 ft. The canyon sunflower population in this area expanded following the 2003 Simi Fire.

On a separate note, it’s that time of year again — at the end of my run this Southern Pacific Rattlesnake was in the street at the Chumash Trailhead on Flanagan Drive in Simi Valley, California.

Related post: Southern Pacific Rattlesnake

Google search: $g(canyon sunflower), $g(rattlesnake), $g(Simi Valley)