Time Change

Sunday the time changed from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. For those of us that do our weekday runs after work the change has at least one major implication — by the clock, the sun sets an hour earlier.

If you’ve run for a number of years, one way or another you’ve probably come to terms with this one hour difference. I complain about the change from Daylight Savings Time, but it gives me the opportunity to run more frequently near sunset.

Other than sometimes having to push the pace to get back before it’s COMPLETELY dark, and gates are closed and locked, it’s a great time to run. There’s nothing quite like running after sunset, through a darkening canyon as twilight fades, watching the moon rise, and listening to coyotes yip and yowl “on yonder hill.”

Today, sunset in Los Angeles was at 4:55 pm PST. Sunset will occur a little earlier each day until around November 29, when it sets at 4:44 pm. In Los Angeles, sunset remains at about 4:44 pm until December 11, when it starts to become slightly later each day. By January 1 sunset will be back to where it was today, and by February 1 it will be setting around 5:24 pm.

Some related posts: Short Days, Long Shadows; Racing the Sun, Catching the Moon; Moon and the Green Road; Ahmanson Ranch Moonrise