Category Archives: trails|smmc open space

Waiting for Rain: El Nino and the 2015-16 Southern California Rainfall Year

Thunderstorm over the Santa Monica Mountains

Due in part to El Nino and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Southern California jump-started the 2015-16 rain season with above average rainfall in July and September.

Last year the NWS changed the WATER Year to October 1 – September 30, but the RAINFALL Year remains July 1 – June 30, as it’s been for decades.

Below is the monthly tabulation of rainfall for Downtown Los Angeles (USC) for the 2015-16 Rainfall Year, along with what is considered normal for the month.

Downtown Los Angeles Rainfall
Month Rainfall Normal
July 0.38 0.01
August T 0.04
September 2.39 0.24
October 0.45 0.66
November 0.01 1.04

So far this rainfall year Downtown Los Angeles (USC) has recorded 3.23 inches. Even with November as dry as it’s been we’re still more than an inch above normal for the rainfall year — about 1.46 inches above normal as of November 25.

Over the next couple of weeks the medium range models and other tools aren’t especially bullish on our chances for a good, soaking rainstorm in Southern California. Longer term guidance suggests an improving chance of precipitation as December progresses, and above average precipitation in January and February. We’ll see!

The title photo is from November 3. It shows a band of thunderstorms that moved southward across the San Fernando Valley and into the Santa Monica Mountains. The band produced cloud to ground lightning strikes and some heavy showers. Saddle Peak is in the distance on the left. The shower activity in the distance on the right is in the area of Kanan Rd. and the 101 Frwy.

New Leaves on Drought-Stressed Valley Oak

Drought-stressed valley oak sprouting leaves following summer rains in Southern California

Sprouting new leaves as if recovering from a wildfire, this drought-stressed valley oak at Ahmanson Ranch benefited from the unusual amount of rain in Southern California during July and September.

Hilltop valley oak at Ahmanson Ranch, photographed in April 2011, prior to the drought in Southern California
Valley oak at Ahmanson Ranch

Between July 1 and October 1, the Cheeseboro RAWS, located on a hilltop about two miles away, recorded more than two inches of rain.

Here’s what the tree looked like in 2011, before the drought.

Update January 15, 2021. “The Tree” died in the Spring of 2020, when Ahmanson was closed due to COVID-19. Although scorched in the Woolsey Fire, it never recovered from the 2011-2015 drought, and that appears to have been the primary cause of death.

Some related posts: Ahmanson Valley Oaks Battling Drought, It Was So Muddy (Again) That…, A Two Mud Run Summer and Wet Winter Outlook for Southern California

Afternoon Clouds

The Chumash Trail, Simi Valley, California

Wow, there have been some spectacular afternoons recently! That’s the Chumash Trail yesterday.

The Chumash Trail is one of Simi Valley’s best trails. It’s tough and technical, and has great views. From bottom to top it’s about 2.6 miles with an elevation gain of about 1150 feet.

It Was So Muddy (Again) That…

Abandoned shoes at Ahmanson Ranch

Exactly as I found them — abandoned on the road — on my run at Ahmanson today.

Some related posts: It Was So Muddy That…, A Two Mud Run Summer and Wet Winter Outlook for Southern California