Category Archives: nature|wildfire

Three Points Loop Twice

Ann and Skye on trail 10W04, between Mt. Waterman and Three Points

Did the 20 mile Three Points – Mt. Waterman Loop a couple of times this month. The first time was during a heat wave similar to what we’re going through now. It was one of those days when you drive to the trailhead early in the morning, open the car door, and the “brisk” mountain air is a surprising 75 or 80 degrees. After doing the run I checked the temperatures recorded at nearby Chilao, and by 9:00 a.m. the temperature was already at 90°F.

The title photo is of Ann and Skye on trail 10W04, between Mt. Waterman and Three Points. Here’s another photo of them in an area covered with bracken fern on a section of the trail that burned in the 2009 Station Fire. It doesn’t look like it, but they are on a trail!

Last weekend I did the loop again, and the temperature was about 15 degrees cooler. What a difference!

Some related posts: Three Points – Mt. Waterman Loop, Southern Pacific Rattlesnake on the Burkhart Trail, Three Points Loop Plus Mt. Waterman

Comparing the Springs and Green Meadows Fire Perimeters

Prior to the Springs Fire the last fire to burn through Pt. Mugu State Park was the 1993 Green Meadows Fire. Here’s a Google Earth image that compares the perimeters of these wildfires.

The Springs Fire perimeter is from the Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination Group (GEOMAC) and is time-stamped 05/07/2013 at 0348. The Green Meadows Fire perimeter is from the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – CAL FIRE Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP).

According to FRAP GIS data, the Green Meadows Fire started on October 26, 1993, and burned 38,479 acres. The Springs Fire started on May 2, 2013, and according to CAL FIRE burned 24,251 acres.

Some related posts: Checking on the Chamberlain Trail, A Run Through Pt. Mugu State Park, Springs Fire Burn Severity, Springs Fire 2013

After the Springs Fire: Checking on the Chamberlain Trail

Rock formations on Boney Mountain from the Chamberlain Trail

It had only been a week since I’d run here, but it was still easy to see recovery in Pt. Mugu State Park was continuing at a steady pace. Along the Hidden Pond, Sin Nombre and Blue Canyon Trails daubs of brilliant green contrasted sharply with the somber tones of black, gray and white left by the Springs Fire.

Hopefully recovery will continue at this pace. Most Southern California fires occur in Autumn, when there is a higher likelihood of rain in the weeks and months following the fire. The Springs Fire started May 2. A late season storm moved through the area May 6, helping firefighters to control the fire. The weather station at Circle X recorded about 0.4 inch of rain that day, but the area might not see that amount of rain again for 6-7 months.

In the coastal mountains the marine layer is also a source of moisture. Many of the area’s plants supplement rainfall by extracting water from the moist air. For example, the scalloped shape and surface of coast live oak leaves, and their spine-toothed margin promote condensation and collection of water. On a foggy day you’ll sometimes see a rain-like pattern on the ground under a live oak tree.

This morning the marine layer was in, and skies were partly to mostly cloudy. This was a good thing. Yesterday (June 1) Pierce College in Woodland Hills set a new high temperature record for the date of 104degF. With the hot weather and low humidity the Powerhouse Fire near Lake Hughes had tripled in size. The switch to an onshore flow would cool temps, increase the humidity, and help firefighters to control that blaze.

Today, in addition to checking on the progress of recovery, I wanted to check on the condition of Chamberlain Trail. The Chamberlain Trail is part of the Backbone Trail and the descent from Boney Mountain one of the best in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Last week, on the way to Serrano Valley, we’d seen that the fire had burned up to trail signs at the junction of the Chamberlain Trail and Old Boney Trail. It had been a close call. Brush at the base of the Chamberlain Trail had been scorched and burned, but the fire had not progressed upslope.

But what you can’t see from the junction is that the fire made a serious run up from Serrano Valley on the south side of Boney Mountain. This can be seen on this Google Earth snapshot of a NASA Landsat Satellite Burn Severity image, but from the image it’s hard to tell if the Chamberlain Trail was overrun or not.

Fortunately only a very short section of the Chamberlain Trail about a 0.4 mile from the Old Boney junction was burned.

Some related posts: A Run Through Pt. Mugu State Park, Springs Fire Burn Severity

After the Station Fire: Why is Strawberry Peak Still Closed?

Update May 29, 2014. According to an Angeles National Forest press release issued May 20, nearly all remaining areas in the Angeles National Forest closed since the 2009 Station Fire were reopened on May 24. Some forest areas remain closed for reasons of public safety or further work needed on trails. In addition to the Colby Trail in the area of Strawberry Peak, the closed areas include Lower Gabrielino Trail (below Bear Canyon Trail), Barley Flats Trail, Ken Burton Trail, Millard Water Fall User Trail, Santa Clara Divide Road (FS3N17), Messenger Flats Campground, Lightning Point Campground, and Big Buck Campground. Check with the Forest Service for the most current information.

Update May 31, 2013. On May 24th Angeles National Forest quietly extended the closure of the 46,194 acre Station Fire Recovery Area through May 24, 2014. No press release or information regarding the rationale for the continued closure was published on the Angeles National Forest web site. A fire closure of this duration and acreage appears to be unprecedented in California and possibly the U.S. Even in the case of the largest California fires, the Cedar and Zaca fires, closed areas in Cleveland and Los Padres National Forests were reopened within a year of the fire. In many cases fire closures in the National Forests and State Parks of California have been lifted within days or weeks of a large fire. This reflects a general policy that closures of public lands should be implemented and maintained only as a last resort.

Update April 16, 2013. Strawberry and Josephine Peaks have now been closed over THREE AND A HALF YEARS. Will Angeles National Forest allow the Station Fire Recovery Area Closure Order to expire on May 24, 2013? Note that none of the trails to the summit of Strawberry Peak are maintained. They are “use” trails — paths that have evolved over time through use. The route to Strawberry’s summit from Red Box is use trail from Lawlor Saddle to the summit; and the routes that ascend the west ridge are use trail above Josephine Saddle. The west ridge also includes some third class rock climbing. It should also be noted there were rescues and other incidents on Strawberry Peak (and in other Forest areas) BEFORE the Station Fire and there will continue to be rescues and incidents. Whether a trail is a good trail or bad trail, accidents can occur and mistakes in judgment can be made. The Forest Service should not keep an area closed without definitive — and supportable — reasons for doing so.

Update May 25, 2012. Today Angeles National Forest reopened about 41,000 acres of the Station Fire closure area south and west of Big Tujunga Dam, and extended the closure of the remaining 46,194 acres to May 24, 2013. Newly opened resources include the Stone Canyon Trail, Trail Canyon Trail, and Delta Flat. Condor Peak also appears to be within the open area. According to the updated Forest Service map of the Station Fire Recovery Area (PDF), Strawberry Peak and Josephine Peak are in the area that remains closed.

As a result of its relatively easy access, panoramic summit view, varied routes and generally mild Winter conditions Strawberry Peak is one of the most frequented summits in the San Gabriel Mountains. At least it used to be until it was closed by the Station Fire. Here we are, more than two and a half years after the Station Fire, and Strawberry Peak, Josephine Peak and Mt. Lawlor are still closed.

Why? The reason might be as arcane as it was simply easier to define the closure boundary as Angeles Crest Highway.

It cannot legitimately be claimed that the area was more damaged by the fire. If anything the damage done by the fire and subsequent flash floods and debris flows was greater on the open (south) side of Angeles Crest Highway — between Switzer Picnic Area and Red Box — rather than on Strawberry Peak.

It cannot be the progress of recovery. I’ve closely followed the recovery of chaparral following several fires. The photographs and other evidence I’ve seen suggest the chaparral on Strawberry Peak is recovering at an absolutely normal pace. I think many would be surprised to see how far it has come. In fact its regrowth now threatens long established paths and trails.

I was under the impression that the route up Strawberry from Red Box was so overgrown and damaged as to be nearly impassable. Apparently that’s not the case. People are doing the peak and based on the reports I’ve read, photos I’ve seen, and firsthand information relayed the trail is in poor condition, but passable with care. There are certainly more hazardous trails and areas in the open areas of Angeles National Forest.

That route from Clear Creek also appears to be passable with care. I’m told there’s absolutely no issue on Josephine fire road. The use trail on the western ridge is a little overgrown, but can generally be followed. Apparently a short section of the ridge below the class 3 section is a bit overgrown with Turricula (Poodle dog bush). A little more use and snip here and a snip there would take care of that.

Restricted use is an important concern. Having seen the condition of several trails immediately after portions of the Station Fire area reopened, and then a year later, it’s clear to me that use is an essential element of trail health. People using a trail help keep it alive. Conscientious  users will pick up litter, remove debris, and do other on-the-go trail maintenance. Use quickly puts the focus on problem areas, and encourages participation when more comprehensive trailwork is done.

With the regrowth of the chaparral well underway we are at a critical point in the preservation of the trails and paths in the Station Fire closure area. They must be reopened to use — not only on Strawberry Peak, but also on popular peaks such as Condor Peak and Mt. Lukins. If we are not allowed to use the trails, the time and work required to restore them could increase to the point that some trails are lost!

The photograph of Strawberry Peak (left) and Mt. Lawlor is from a trail run in September 2011. 

Some related posts: Blue Skies and Short Sleeves on Strawberry Peak, Coincidence, Strawberry Peak Traverse

After the Springs Fire: A Run Through Pt. Mugu State Park

New growth in Pt. Mugu State Park following the Springs Fire

As we rounded a corner on the Old Boney Trail, Ann spotted a deer bounding through a thick, unburned section of brush. Its behavior was unusual — the deer was a few hundred yards away and in heavy cover. We soon saw the reason — a large coyote was trailing the animal and probably had been doing so for time.

We were in the middle of a 25 mile Odyssey through Pt. Mugu State Park, about three weeks after the Springs Fire ravaged much of the park’s 14,000 acres.

Already the process of recovery was underway. Tufts of green were sprouting in many areas. Yucca was beginning to regrow and a few yucca scorched in the fire were blooming. In addition to the deer and coyote described above, over the course of the run we would see another deer; fresh raccoon, bobcat, fox and rodent tracks; a lizard, grasshoppers, many birds, a bee’s nest, and fresh mountain lion scat.

Here is a slideshow of some photos from the run.

Some related posts: Springs Fire Burn Severity, Springs Fire 2013

Springs Fire Burn Severity

Here’s an interactive Google Earth browser view of a false-color image of the Springs Fire scar from the Landsat Data Continuity Mission’s Operational Land Imager. The image was recently featured on the NASA Earth Observatory web site. The image date is May 4, 2013.

According to the description of the image on Earth Observatory unburned vegetation appears dark green. Burned areas are red, and the most severely burned areas are generally the darkest. Actively growing farmland is light green; plowed fields are brown. Buildings and roads are gray.

This is a 3D view that can be zoomed,rotated and tilted. It includes the GEOMAC fire perimeter timestamped 05/07/13 0348. Placemark locations are approximate. GPS tracks from various runs have been added to mark many of the area’s trails. The red track is Sycamore Canyon Fire Road. Requires the Google Earth plugin.

The overlay is large and may take a while to load.

Related post: Springs Fire 2013